大家新年快樂!2025年第一場由「台灣新聞記者協會」與「台灣外國記者會合」辦的「台外媒體人茶敘」活動將在1月15號舉辦。這次我們邀請了《中國滲透:揭開中共不戰而屈人之兵的隱形攻勢》(Political Warfare: Strategies for Combating China’s Plan to”Win without Fighting”)一書的作者凱瑞.葛宣尼克(Kerry K. Gershaneck)蒞臨擔任講者。
凱瑞.葛宣尼克會以「美國政府在對抗中國政治作戰中的失誤 – 給予川普新政府對台政策的啟示」(The U.S. Government’s Failure to Confront China’s Political Warfare: Implications for Taiwan and Trump 47)作為主題跟大家分享他的見解與看法。講座將以英文進行。
凱瑞.葛宣尼克:「中國共產黨的政治作戰是殘酷、無孔不入且資源豐富的。這樣的作戰方式對於台灣和美國都造成了生存上的威脅,美國在第一次的冷戰中,以自身的政治作戰技巧成功擊敗了蘇聯。但時至今日,美國國會的一項調查證實,美國政府目前不但沒有相對應的戰略準備,也選擇了無視中共政治作戰的入侵。」(The Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare is brutal, pervasive, and extraordinarily well resourced. It poses an existential threat to both Taiwan and the U.S. America’s once-skillful Political Warfare proved decisive in the victory over the Soviet Union in the First Cold War. However, today the U.S. government willfully disregards the CCP’s Political Warfare and has no strategy to counter and defeat it, as validated by a recent Congressional investigation. )
活動地點:Two Three Comedy Club 23喜劇俱樂部
The U.S. Government’s Failure to Confront China’s Political Warfare:
Implications for Taiwan and Trump 47
Speaker: Professor Kerry K. Gershaneck
Visiting Scholar, National Chengchi University
The Chinese Communist Party’s Political Warfare is brutal, pervasive, and extraordinarily well resourced. It poses an existential threat to both Taiwan and the U.S. America’s once-skillful Political Warfare proved decisive in the victory over the Soviet Union in the First Cold War. However, today the U.S. government willfully disregards the CCP’s Political Warfare and has no strategy to counter and defeat it, as validated by a recent Congressional investigation.
The 300-page House Oversight and Accountability Committee investigation report states that the CCP “is a totalitarian force that enslaves its own people (and) seeks to destroy America.” Yet after an extensive investigation of 25 government entities including the National Security Council; departments of State, Defense, Justice, Commerce, and Education; and the Intelligence Community, Congress concluded that the U.S. government:
*failed to develop a strategy for dealing with China, despite a 2022 law mandating the strategy
*“neglected to even recognize that the CCP is . . .waging a cold war against the United States”
*“has failed to understand, acknowledge, and strategically combat CCP political warfare”
*“has no strategy or whole-of-government approach regarding CCP Political Warfare”
One startling indicator of many in the report of the current U.S. government’s willful disregard of the CCP’s Political Warfare threat involves a senior Department of State official who briefed the committee on State’s role in combatting the threat. In the First Cold War, State officials such as George Kennan initiated the Political Warfare strategy that ultimately won that prolonged conflict. Today’s State Department leadership? Not so competent or visionary. Per the report:
The State Department official who oversees the newly created Office of China Coordination
(China House), which sought to facilitate the Biden-Harris Administration’s approach to the
PRC, had to ask the Committee to define political warfare during a briefing about CCP
political warfare and the department’s response to it.
Not surprisingly, the investigation found that “CCP influence operations have interfered with the judgment, discretion, and fulfillment of duties by federal agencies themselves.” It also found that “the size, complexity, and compartmentalization of the federal government has amounted to excuses and blame shifting that finds no parallel in the CCP, which is, because of its totalitarian nature, unsparingly unified and efficient in carrying out its plans.” The report lauds one agency that has attempted to combat CCP Political Warfare and provides recommendations for each of the 25 federal agencies it investigated to prod them to start protecting America from the threat.
Key findings from this October 2024 Congressional report mirror findings in Prof. Kerry K. Gershaneck’s 2020 book Political Warfare: Strategies for Combatting China’s Plan to “Win Without Fighting.” Prof. Gershaneck’s discussion January 17 will address CCP Political Warfare, the Congressional investigation and report, and implications for democratic Taiwan and the incoming Donald J. Trump administration.