作為主辦方,外國記者會邀請來自英國倫敦國王學院戰爭研究所(Department of War Studies, King’s College London)的教授,亞歷西歐·帕塔拉諾(Alessio Patalano)作為本次的主講人。本次的演講將會以英文進行。
亞歷西歐·帕塔拉諾的研究專注於海洋戰略、東亞海軍研究,是“Post-war japan as a sea power: imperial legacy, wartime experience and the making of a navy alessio patalano”(對岸譯作:战后的日本的海军力量:帝国遗产、战时经验与海军发展)一書的作者。他也在上個月漢光演習時,曾於BBC作出相關的評論。「台灣漢光演習:台北展示如何抵禦解放軍入侵」
上個月美國喬治城大學出版社出版的:The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific: Strategy, Order, and Regional Security, 他是此書的共同作者與編輯。
在這本書裡,他提到:“Whilst a full-scale invasion remains an option that cannot be ruled out in principle, Chinese declared doctrine and political statements stress the use of force as a tool to achieve the political objective of forcing the Taiwanese people to perceive reunification as inevitable.”
“As such, the talks argues that a higher risk concerns the real possibility of the increase of coercive forms of action short of war – known in some circles as grey zone activities. In the medium-term from the late 2020s through the mid-2030s, Beijing’s leadership might find options aimed at progressively reducing the effectiveness of the Taiwanese military due to relentless pressure on reaction activities to meet air and maritime challenges, combined with short and sharp military actions over offshore islands as more opportune courses of action.
“This talk articulates why this is the case and suggests that preparations to repel an invasion might not suffice and that greater attention needs to be invested to meet China’s coercive strategy for a peaceful way forward to be found.”
活動地點:23喜劇俱樂部、Two Three Comedy