
請協助「2022年在台灣媒體工作者勞動權與中國影響力調查」匿名問卷 “Investigation on Labor Rights of Media Workers in Taiwan and China’s Influence in 2022.” anonymous survey


台灣新聞記者協會獲得 #國際記者聯盟(IFJ)的贊助支持,發起「2022年在台灣媒體工作者勞動權與中國影響力調查」匿名問卷,希望能了解2022年台灣與駐台新聞媒體工作者的權利處境,以利未來倡議條件。



※ 問卷網址:https://www.surveycake.com/s/e6LAX

Media workers who work in Taiwan (or have worked in Taiwan) are welcome to fill out this questionnaire, regardless of their nationality.

Dear media colleagues,

The Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) received sponsorship from the #International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to launch an anonymous questionnaire on the “Investigation on Labor Rights of Media Workers in Taiwan and China’s Influence in 2022.” The questionnaire is part of the effort to understand the conditions of rights of media workers stationed in Taiwan in 2022 for future advocacy campaigns.
We invite relevant workers to take the time to fill out this questionnaire. In just 5 minutes, you can help improve the overall rights of Taiwanese news media workers!

※The information in this questionnaire will only be used to monitor and advocate actions related to the rights of journalists/media workers, and will never be used for personal identification or any purpose that endangers freedom of the press.

※ Survey:https://www.surveycake.com/s/e6LAX

Association of Taiwan Journalists